Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Visit in Närke

We have been to Torp. :-)
We almost forgot to take any pictures but here is one from the car...
We had a good time though!
Went to some services, met friends (our Sweish friends from Thassos among others), had great food, saw some sun, ran to not get too wet, bought books in the bookshop... and stuff like that, that you do at a good christian conferens.

And then we had the oportunity to spend some time with Lenas
onkel and wife that not live to far away from the conferens.
Going to onkel Olle we passed by Kvarntorpshögen
(it's a big pile made by man during the world war 2 when they produced oil there)
with "Konst på hög" (A pile of art)
where we actually remembered to take some pictures.
As you can see there is a wounderful view from this pile of cinder.

Our green house

We (Kenneth) have made a green house!!
We have some tomato plants that we think will enjoy their new home.
(at least we hope so, anyhow we think the green house is very nice)

We got an old window from someone at Blocket, cool!
So as soon as we got home from our trip to Torp we got started
and 5 hours later we were happy owners of a little, recycled greenhouse
Not bad at all, I must say.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One may wonder...

One may wonder... we say we want a focus on Macedonia but we only write about Thassos...

But when reading Acts 16 you'll see how Paul is going to Macedonia and Neapolis, that is Kavala (right next to Thassos on the mainland).

It's Kenneth who got the calling for Macedonia many years ago now. Then he thought of the country north of Greece. But he ended up on Thassos and was told that this is part of the Biblical Macedonia. But we wouldn't mind to go more north aswell, but we start off here and then we'll see...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Swedish summer

I must say that I did enjoy the weather more in Greece. But it also has it's charm to sit inside with a nice cup of tea and hear the rain on the window and the wind in the trees.
And it was fun to come home and see that our sallad is up and the gooseberry grown bigger. I'm very happy for our gooseberry bush and can't wait for the day I can eat my first berry!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tour of the island

Thassos is a wounderful, beautiful island! Lots of green and nice sites.
And what struck me is the peace that one feel on the island.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our first blogg!!

Now we've arrived to Thassos for a week of fellowship, sun, prayer, worship and good food. We pray that God will lead us as we're making contact with the people here.