Anders was planing to come here on Tuesday but missed his train from Skopje and then on Wednesday there where no ferrys because of strike and on Thursday we still didn't know if he would get across to the island since it started snowing and some ferrys was canceled.
But he did make it across and we were having a beautiful evening in the culture house.

(being in Greece we don't have to go into details since it's a Saz from Turky :-)

In one of the songs that was sang it's telling about this as it's sharing the story of tree brothers, three fishermen, that on the night of Christmas eve are going out fishing. When the storm is getting stronger they are throwing their brother, the navigator, in the sea to plead the gods. But the storm is not ceasing and without their navigator they don't find their way so they are calling out to God almighty and a dove (a picture of the holy spirit) is appearing, sitting in the front to guide their way. and

We have to let go of that which is not true in our lifes to be able to see Jesus.