Thassos Christian Fellowship have had a conference at pentecost for a few years and so we did this year. This year pentecost was quite late and so the conference was in mid June. It was a good event as always, brothers and sisters gatherd to hear good biblical teaching, fellowship, worship and get new challanges.
The theme for this year was "Love actually- love in action" and we wanted it to be a practical teaching for everyday life. We did not only have teachings but after every sermon we took time for workshops to ask our selfs- how does this apply to my life?
The first session our pastor, Dimitri, was teaching, giving us an introduction to the weekend.
In the evening Tommy (a Swede living in Thessaloniki) was talking about reaching the community around us and then the next morning another Swede, Bosse (that is working with rehabilitation of addict peopel) was beautifully charing from the story of the good samarian (Luk 10:25-37)- who is your neighbour in need? Later, in the evening, we had a german brother working as a missionary in Turky visiting us talking about our call to "Pain and joy"- and he know pain is a risk we take, his brother in law was killed a few years ago because of his calling to spred the good gospelnews to whoever wanted to hear. On Sunday morning we had our last meeting and a british friend, Jerome, was concluding the event with a sermon from 1Cor 13- In what ever you do, do it from love.

Love is for sure the bottom line for all our work and that was also our conclusion at most of the workshops- “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’- If you do that you will find it easy to do what's right.