Tuesday, June 12, 2012
it's growing
Thursday, May 31, 2012
I love swedish summer
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Kenneth arrived safely to Sweden, he and a friend was driving the 3000km from Thassos to Stockholm in two and a half days.
We now live in Märsta, a northen suburb to Stockholm.
Kenneth got a fulltime job in Märsta where I as well am working 15 hours a week. Our workplace has also provided with this appartment, fantastic! It's Gods grace how doors has been opened for us.
We also have the privileged to share the appartment with Josefina. Josefina is the niece of Kenneth that came to Stockholm in April because of a work opportunity. She's a easy going and fun person. We don't see too much of her though, since she's working fulltime and is dedicated to her exercises on the climbing wall.
Look at this, our new home! Nice and homy isn't it! We are very thankful for generous friends and family that has given us furnitures needed to make this our home!
Starting to get settle and feeling good. Still keeping our eyes opened for something of our own though, since we're now are renting through our work. But it is hard to think of moving now that we got it in order.
Truth is though that not all the boxes are unpacked yet... And everything didn't get that organized yet...
Our balcony (and all the windows) are in the north overviewing a big parking. In the hall we don't have a hanger but only two screws on the wall and a chair that you are lucky if you can sit in :-)
But it will all come together sooner of later, every thing has to take it's time.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Long time no see
We had a long trip, leaving Thassos at seven in the morning and arriving in Norrköping 20 hours later. But all went well.
Then I've been staying with mom so I've been well cared for. She's making sure I never need to be hungry and Harald is also happy with her hospitality, he's enjoying the fresch fish.
I been busy getting registrated, visiting different offices and getting an insurance for the car Kenneth will use to get our stuff home. Then we celebrated the easter time (with way to much candy, sad to say but in Sweden I think easter is mostly about candy... or maybe it's just me...) But it's also a time to enjoy time with family and foremost to remember the life and forgiveness that is given, reconciliation with God and that is great!
But now I left Harald with mum and made my way to Stockholm where I will be working some and hopefully have time to meet with some friends.
In Greece Kenneth is busy taking care of a team from a bibelschool. And if you want to know more of what's going on down there you can look at the link below. The team has a blog and will give you some updates of what they are up to. It's all in Swedish though.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I'll miss you Thassos

Monday, March 26, 2012
Greek spring
Many people have been asking about what the spring is like down here.
Me myself I don't think it's as much spring as you expect it to be in Greece, it has been many cold and gray days and you have to keep your shirt and jacket on.
This past week, however, the sun started to show itself and it's lovely! It immediately becomes warm and pleasant, sometimes I even had to take my jacket off. Young people go, as young people like to do, in the t-shirt and do not want their jackets but it's not really that warm in the air. But as I said, in the sun, it is very nice!
The main difference from Sweden I think is that the temperature remains mild even at night and this welcomes life into flowers and trees. I were walking around in our neighbourhood and documented a proportion of all spring splendor that dressed our island for the the National Day, which yesterday was celebrated with parades and partys.
And then a couple of pictures of the neighbors down from our house. The little lamb bleats to catch up with the rooster crowing. The donkey is, however, mostly quiet and seems to be a gentle creature.

Monday, March 19, 2012
The last box
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Saturday night

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Sweden awaits
We hope we have made a difference during our time here, that we have meant something for the church and the people we met. They say they will miss us so we have probably done something good :-)
But it also feels good to get back to Sweden and our loved ones back home.
I'm not sure what to expect but a few things has fallen into place. The other day Kenneth got a job in Norrköping for the summer that might become something more than just a summer job. We used to live in Stockholm so it would also have been nice to come back to our church and friends there, but I (Lena) have my family in Norrköping so I really enjoy that we will get close to them, especially my dear mother.
And I'm looking forward getting home to the country of liver pate, "falukorv", "polly", salmon and other goodies :-)
I am going now in less then three weeks, on the 2nd of April I have a flight for me and the cat. Kenneth has to stay a bit longer to finish up some things.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
First class done
"5 x 2 hours of our lifes and 5 x 2 hours with the word of God" as Dimitri said.
We began in Luk 24 about the men on their way to Emmaus. They met Jesus himself and still they had the truth revealed to them from the word! So we then continued with bibelverses that was talking about how God is revealed in the scripture.
The buns were good and many other brought other sweets and crackers so we had plenty enough! Looking forward to Thursday when we will meet again!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Άλφα και Ωμέγα
We want to do it in the same spirit as the Alpha course that many of you might know about but we don't have enough time before the season begin to use the actuall Alpha material. Most people here are involved in the turism somehow and because of that they will all be busy from easter on.
But as in the Alpha course we are having some time for fellowship and treats -so today I'm making "sugar buns" that I hope will turn out well enough to enjoy on Sunday.
And things that we been keeping on hold because they are so boring we now got motivated to do... like cleaning :-) and then I mean big time cleaning. Like the ceiling in the bathroom that's becoming black in the winter because of all the humid. Good job, Kenneth! He took this delicate job as his responsability.

and is now waiting for the detergents to do it's magic.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
2 recipes to enjoy
It's great to have some time for fellowship and a good way to not have to worry to much about cooking on Sunday. Sometimes one bring something and another time someone else (most of the time Marjo has made something though- she is the super mother number one). It also make us plan better, doing the cooking on Saturday and then just eat and enjoy when Sunday is coming.
Anyhow this past Sunday I was doing this "Chickpeas from Marrakech" from the Swedish cook book "Kärlek, Oliver och timjan" by Systrarna Bergenström. If I may say it myself it was realy good so here is the recipe :-)
For 4-5 people
6-8dl home cooked chickpeas or 2 cans of cooked
150g spinach or chard
1 heaped tsp cumin
1/2 tsp turmeric
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp dried mint
1/2 tsp chili flakes
2 medium yellow onions
5 peeled garlic cloves
1 red or yellow pepper
1 can of whole tomatoes
2-3 tbsp olive oil
2 cups water
1 tsp salt
3-4 tbsp chopped cilantro
lemon wedges
Chop the green spinach or chard leaves (cut off rough center nerves). Measure out all the spices in a small dish. Set all this aside.
Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Core and slice peppers. Share the tomatoes into rough chunks.
Heat a little oil in a wok, add garlic and onion and stir. Fry 1-2 minutes, add all spices and stir again. Raise the heat a little. Add the chopped peppers and chickpeas. Cutter for a further 2 minutes. Pour in the tomatoes with tomato broth. Pour into water and salt. Cook everything for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the spinach gently. Season to taste. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro and serve with rice, couscous or bulgur and lemon in generous wedges.
And recipe number two is the most simple recipe and delicious that I found online today. Thank you Jens Schedin for adding it to Tasteline.
Pasta with tuna and pesto
0.5 jar sour cream
1 can tuna in water
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp pesto
1 garlic clove
1 pinch sea salt
1 pinch black pepper from the mill
Heat the sour cream in a pan. If you use tuna in water, pour off all the water from the tuna. Add the olive oil to the sour cream. Add the pesto when it begins to simmer and then the garlic. Grind some black pepper over. Salt possible.
Add the freshly cooked pasta and top with freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Serve with the tomatoes with a little balsamic vinegar and some good bread.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
new colors
We had a great time with shoping and lots of good food, time to talk and we went to the cinema!
We were feeling very spoiled and enjoyed every minut of it!
Our main goal with the shoping was to find something new for the church -we felt it needed some colors.
We first went to Leroy Merlin and was looking at their fabrics and curtains -no they didn't have anything we thought would fit. Soon enough we moved on to Ikea and this is where we did our serious shoping :-) We already had a new cover for the sofa (that me and Kenneth didn't need anymore since we moved out of our appartment). We can't say we had a lot of options but in the end we where happy with what we bought. All we really bought was fabric for the cushions -but I was busy for a few days making them. And! we bought lamps. The old ones was in really bad condition and in a couple of rooms there was no lamps at all.
In the hall we chose a pink color that was nice with the gray we already had. In the church hall we needed blue since we thought that it is the best to go with the brown in there.
After making the cushions we were planing to paint one of the walls in the "hall". We had in mind to do it in another pink color but then we thought it might be to much pink so we made it green. We like it.
(Unfortunately the blind is broken and we can't get it up so we still haven't seen the new color in daylight.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Is it worth it?
Neither I nor Kenneth think of ourselfs as youth leaders, but we think it's fun when a bunch of young people are coming to church! It's worth our time here.
Last week it was only three (but of course, three very precious ones), we played some games and Kenneth was asking what they're passionate about. What is it that engages? Are you taking the time to learn about and give time to what you think is important.
Yes a good question to ask yourself. How small you might think your influence in society is, one can still make a difference. And if not to make a difference for others you make a difference in you own life, knowing you have done what is right. You have followed your own heart.
And two days later, my own challenge arrived in the mail. I got a cd from a friend -Hold on. A cd that has sprung up from a passion, a burden for others. Nefarious/ Exodus Cry that produced this cd is an anti- trafficking organization.
To me it's easy to let it pass, I have no real reference points so it is difficult to understand. But at the same time you can not ignore it when you see it, read about it or listening to the lyrics of this cd. What is a far away emotion for me is real life for someone else.
"Justice will fall down like rain. He will break every chain. Don't you think for a moment He doesn't see your pain. If He can carry the weight of the world on His shoulders I know that He'll be able to carry you through There's a hope that's growin' even though it goes unspoken, there's a future that's golden, just keep on holdin' /restoratioin's for the broken, recordin' no regret. Don't give up, it's not over yet, we carry your burden in intercession, let's reflect."
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Cradle of civilization?
But it does not always feels like one lives in the "cradle of civilization" ... It is not without that many times in Greece I rather feel like a couple of decades behind in time -when you see an old man load firewood on his donkey or how other hard work is done by hand.
This week the water froze on the property where we live. Pilidis had no water and that's when you realize how much water you use! First of all for drinking and cooking, then to do the dishes, and you want to wash yourselves including your clothes -you want to be able to flush the toilet every now and then... I'm telling you, it's a lot of water in one day! Water that we have collected from down town and the from the neighbors. It has not been any great trouble for me and Kenneth, we handle the most of our needs downtown in the church -both when it comes to cooking and visits to the toilet. The real hero is Marjo, wife and mother of tree teenagers. Well, water is of course easy to get when you have a car. But last Thursday it was the children's prayers that was heard, it was thick with snow on the ground and with the steep hill leading down from our house it was not thinking about getting anywhere with the car. But the kids were up and out faster than ever, ready to have fun and play in the snow. And Limenas was beautifully dressed in white beneath our feet. And while donkeys and man power brings my thoughts to olden times, it is also in some way characteristic for the good life. A life where you do not consume more than you need, where time will take its course and where each person's contribution makes a difference.
This morning the snow was gone, it has been raining all night -life returns to normal, the water pipes have defrosted and we were able to flush the toilet again.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Our trip through the camera lens

Unfortunately, I have no good pictures of these friends as well as others we met during the trip but failed to get a picture of (Pleace excuse the bad picture quality on some pictures. I, Lena, has taken most of the pictures but have not quite learned yet to handle light settings, etc.
Below a picture of St. Paul Cathedral and the Salvation Army headquarters, where my father used to work for more than 40 years ago.
-not much but we did have some snow!

and we where happy to take him to all the sights in Stockholm.

Kenneth was part of the worship team
(every one on stage has been visiting us in Greece,
everyone but Andrea- it's a sign Andrea, you got to come visit us!)
In New Life we always have fika before the sermon begins.
that is when God realy can break through.

Dimitri is shown one big bible.(above).