Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Our life in Stockholm
As you might have understod we are not yet living in Maccedonia.
Our hope is that it wan't take to long until we have something more permanent going on down there, but until then...
Lena is having a full time job at a hostel for homeless addicts. It's a good job that she likes a lot. She likes the people she meet and is having lots of fun with her colleagues.
We're convinced that the grace of God can turn any life around. So her prayer is that her life will show the love of Christ to the people she meet at her job, and through that give someone hope for a better tomorrow. What else than Jesus can fully move a person to solid ground?
Kenneth has different things going on. Two main things are the friday nights, when they are downtown handing out coffee and talking about Jesus. The other is Wednesday when there is "Stället" in church.
Stället is a cafémeeting with a focus on addicts and other broken people. There is lots of different people coming though and it's a nice homy feeling at these gatherings.
Another thing that he's doing and long to do more of is filming. Right now he's doing some short clips with testimonies from different people. Kenneth has more things he like to see come to past but we'll see what doors will be opened and when the right time is.
Something else that we are excited about, is that we have started to attend a language class in greek. We're fighting with the greek letters and wondering why there is so many different "i". But bit by bit we are going to learn it, Yes we will!
Sascha testimony
(Not yet with english subtitles, but he's a former drugaddict that after having heard the message about Jesus for 15 year by some faithfull christians, finally gave in and got saved. Now he's been in bibleschool and the Lord gave him life back and the job he has today!)
Our hope is that it wan't take to long until we have something more permanent going on down there, but until then...
Lena is having a full time job at a hostel for homeless addicts. It's a good job that she likes a lot. She likes the people she meet and is having lots of fun with her colleagues.
We're convinced that the grace of God can turn any life around. So her prayer is that her life will show the love of Christ to the people she meet at her job, and through that give someone hope for a better tomorrow. What else than Jesus can fully move a person to solid ground?
Kenneth has different things going on. Two main things are the friday nights, when they are downtown handing out coffee and talking about Jesus. The other is Wednesday when there is "Stället" in church.
Stället is a cafémeeting with a focus on addicts and other broken people. There is lots of different people coming though and it's a nice homy feeling at these gatherings.
Another thing that he's doing and long to do more of is filming. Right now he's doing some short clips with testimonies from different people. Kenneth has more things he like to see come to past but we'll see what doors will be opened and when the right time is.
Something else that we are excited about, is that we have started to attend a language class in greek. We're fighting with the greek letters and wondering why there is so many different "i". But bit by bit we are going to learn it, Yes we will!
Sascha testimony
(Not yet with english subtitles, but he's a former drugaddict that after having heard the message about Jesus for 15 year by some faithfull christians, finally gave in and got saved. Now he's been in bibleschool and the Lord gave him life back and the job he has today!)
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1 comment:
Hej, vad härligt det är att läsa om er och vad ni gör. Det känns skönt att få någon sorts kontakt trots att vi är så långt bort från varandra. Det finns få människor i mitt liv som jag bryr mig så mycket om som dig Kenneth och jag kan inte med ord beskriva den glädje jag kände då ni blev man och hustru du och Lena. Eftersom jag är den jag är så föll tårarna hejdlöst, tårar av glädje såklart. Känslan av att du hittat rätt, att du funnit någon som delade dina tankar och värderingar och någon att dela ditt liv med. Jag vill att du ska veta att jag älskar dig Kenneth. Och Lena, jag vill att du ska veta att han inte kunde hitta mer rätt människa än dig! Jag är oerhört lycklig för er skull och önskar er allt gott i livet!
Vi saknar dig här uppe Kenneth, hoppas ni har vägarna förbi någon gång, Casper skulle nog också tycka det var roligt att träffa er, han var så liten sist han träffade Kenneth :)
Min lilla pojke har blivit stor nu, han går i ettan och har lärt sig läsa. Stolt mamma är bara förnamnet på vad jag är :) Tänk att jag kunde lyckas så bra med honom! :)
Hur som helst, ville bara skriva att jag tänker på er och saknar dig Kenneth som bara den!!!
Många kramar från "lilla" Nina uppe i Öjebyn
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