In Sweden they celebrated midsummer day the 25 of july and so did we but on Thassos.
We made the famous swedish sandwichcake, and for dessert we had sticky cake (a form of chocolate cake). It was a success.
It seems like God has planted his thoughts in us (as in many others here). We had the idea of working with media, TV/film, not really sure exactly how. But now we have meet with people from some other christian mission organisations (locals mostly) that are in the starting process, wanting to work with media. The main challenge is to get everybody to work together. So please pray for that, cause we as christians are not running a "one man show" we are all building the house of God and if we don't realise that and start helping each other we'll never see any real change in our countries. God is not going to give glory to any single church or organisation!
Now for the work here on Thassos one woman said once that she saw a vision about our church, two streams of water coming together under a bridge, meaning one international stream and one local. And we see it lots of times, tourists that come here and they receive Jesus as their saviour. For example last sunday one girl from England gave her life to Jesus. But that is quite obvious, of course we need to tell everybody that Jesus loves them, tourists as well as locals!
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