Weare really enjoying our timein Sweden.We have metfriends,had itlazyand nice,celebrated Christmaswith the family,traveledback and forth... However,notmuch time forblogging...:-) But still more days of fun before heading back to Greece!
It's Sundayandtime forthis week's entriestoLena'ssister's daughterphoto contest. This week hasbeen full oftravel andfun stuff. We left ourislandon Tuesday,spent one nightin Thessalonikiwithgood friends.Foundourway to the airport(Tommywas very kindand droveus there)for3.5 hoursflight toLondon!Stayed twonightswith a friendof Lenathatshehad not seensinceshe livedin Brussels15 years ago (he was very kind and picked us up at the airport).It was fun tomeet againand especiallyto seehis fantasticwife andcharmingboys.Sothe trip continuedandnowwe staywithsome friendsin Stockholm.Unfortunately, wedo notsee thembecause they arevisitingfamilybut we are verygrateful for theirgenerosity.Weare herea fewdaysand thenwe go onagain tocelebrate Christmaswith our family.So wehavea lot of funthat lies ahead. Andsotothis week'spictures:
This hasbeena crazyweek.Goodbutcrazyweek!OnTuesdaywe willbeginour tripto Sweden!Stillfull activityin the church,arrangingChristmas presents, pack... Andduringthe fall, Istartedhelping ina groupthat helpspoor peopleon the island.This weekendthey have abazaarso it've been a lot tofixforthat too.
Andthen Igot myexcitingphoto competition... Evelinapostthe winning pictureson Sundays.Sonow I do ittoo ...so no onestealsmygoodideas:-) I did miss a couple of pictures this week, but I got most of them.
I didnot send inanycontribution to thephoto contestyesterday.But here arebothyesterday'splanned contributionand today'sactual contribution. Soyesterday wasafullday,first of all, I hadmy birthday!hurrayfor me:-) In the eveningwe playedfloorball!In aboutsix monthswe have tried toget thekey to thegymhall, andnow finallywe haveit inour hand.We werenot a biggroupbut enoughfortwo teams thatwere strugglingwitha commonreplacements. Afterfloorball, we hada meeting inaroom thatwehave access tofromCity Hall. Therewasan initial meetingto seewhatthere isofinterest.We talked aboutwhat opportunitieswe offer andseehow we can usethe room.It was a nicelittle gathering,playedsomegamesand watcheda movietogether-August Rush(a beautiful film)/Lena
Todays theme in my neice foto contest is snow. You may take an old picture or make a new one. The option of taking a new one with real snow is to far fetch to me. To make something with cotton etc is as well... But two years ago we had lots of wonderful snow and I took this picture! We are going to Sweden in two weeks and I realy hope to get some snow when we are there! Last year they had crasy much snow! It was snow for 5 month! This autum however has been the warmest in 130 year! So we will see what will happen...
Now she hasa challenge,anAdvent calendar. Every dayyou geta theme thatone should take a photo of. Bestphotowinsand will be onher blog. So far, I think I am theonlycontestant...sotodayIthink I will :-)
I'll try to give you a short summary of what I have understood of it.
It's all taking place on Nov 17 in Athens with the riot of the students in the background.
This man has gone out to buy his bread and stops in front of the camera to say:
"I'm a peaceful man and now I'll go home to my house."
He thinking to himself if he should involve in what happens, but think that what different will he do. Instead he decides that he must go home and change the water in the fish bowl -hence the title "The fishbowl's fish".
So I guess the film leaves us the question, since we all must make our choices in life:
What is really important?
Note also the scene when he eats his bread. On the shoe sole you can read "Politeknio" which is the University of Technology where it all took place on this day in -73. In greece there is an expression "To have it on the shoe sole" -which is, as you might guess, to say that you don't care.
Ok, now finaly you will get som pictures of something that took place almost two weeks ago. It was the day to remember the student uprising that took place in 1973. Read more about it in the blog from last year (here). "Our boys" was participating -playing in band, showing a film they made and so on... We where proudly watching them.
Waiting for things to begin
full house
The higher classes were having their gathering first. Read some... readings? it was all greek to me. All I understod was something about "locking the door with the key" this is how good my greek is... But I asume it was about what happend and what we are to learn from it. And they were singing some songs, traditional greek songs and modern rock songs.
Then it was time for the "gymnasio" (7-9 graders?) Moremusicianson stageandmoreguitarsto tune.
And then Tsaki lost a string on his guitar... "What are we going to do!?!" -Well we just have to get a new one.
About a year ago I was asked to fix this chair. About four month ago I arranged special import of natural, fitting rope. Now finally, I have started to sandpaper and actually fixing it... better late then never they say :-)
I just realized that it's less then a week left to first of advent! In three and a half week we are going to Sweden and in about a monthe it's Christmas!! I'm very excited about all of it :-)
This is the road leading up to our house. I just love to walk this bit. Today I (Lena), and I think Kenneth too, will be picking olives Dimitri has four trees and today is the day when we will harvest the fruit of these trees. Looking forward to it. I'm sure Harald will like it too, he love to climb trees and will for sure be curious of all the falling, rolling olives...
It's about time for a new post on our blog. We both been a bit slow lately in the sense that we don't feel like doing anything. A bit low, a bit homesick...
At the same time I think we are both doing more then ever. We see new doors opening, contacts made and ways to serve and work. Kenneth is spending a lot of time at the computer since he found a course that is helping him improve the home pages he promised others. Lena has got in contact with a group of women that are helping the poor and needy on the island. It's great fun to be able to serve in such a concrete way. And it's also a good way to practice her Greek because the women speak Greek among themselves.
The church has also been open more since we start to be there in the daytime -because of that the young ones are dropping by more often, they come and play music and stop for a chat -it's fun to see. And for a few weeks now we have had “club” for the teenagers. We are not experienced in this matter so it's a process for us but we are happy having such patience kids that support us. I hope we will find a way to do it “properly” before they give up on us...
But in the end God has it all in his hands. We got to trust him for speaking into the young lifes, only he can speak to their hearts as we have to open ours to hear him speak to us.
It started at 1 am. Kenneth came home from the bible study in Potos.
Our caravan was decorated with balloons, candels and a garland saying "Happy Birthday".
Kenneth got to open his presents in the night. Presents that I bought at the market... -super glue, lighter, batterys and other fine things... :-)
In the morning we had cookies and fellowship at the Thursday prayer in church. And then when the kids finished school they came by, got some cake and later we all went up to "our house" to play games! First the Swedish game "kubb" and then other relays -a real birthdayparty :-)We ended this beautiful day with a film at Pelidis house.
So my hunny bunny have celebrated yet another birthday. He doesn't like it because he doesn't want to get old. But what does age do when you're such a striking handsome man as my husband, with such a good heart and a creativity greater than a young man! All my love to you my beautiful one. Looking forward to many more years together.
Greece is hanging on a thin thread from falling into total bankrupt. The talk about crisis is heard in many other countries. Here in Greece I hear them blame either the Germans for things happening in ww2 wich they according to them never given them economical compensation for. Or they blame international investors for using Greece situation in making money by different transactions and making the situation worse. And so on, and so on...or maby they should start blaming no one else but them self.
I don't know, it might be so, but still looking at facts, there is nothing new under the sun, the rich ones get richer and put the money in their barns. I hear politicians in Sweden talking about how we need to save money at the same time they are raising their own salaries. We live in a world of hypocrisy and sin, a world full of selfishness and greed. There is nothing new under the sun.
We who have read the bible knows what is coming and should not be suprised. I remember for example that I have read in the bible that goes something like this: There will be a day when people will give away all their fortune for a little piece of bread.
I have many other thoughts to share but what is new under the sun? The thoughts I have have allready been thought by millions of others through out history!
It smells natural when taking our bikes from the caravan to the Chruch.
Our new curtains- use to be the cover for our kitchen chairs
Our nice cherry-wood floor.
Kenneth has designed and made our new lamps. Cool huh. We try to find ways to recycle, for exampel are we making our "porch" from old pallets as we did with the bed, we have cut the old cushions to fit the new seats, in process of making a table from an table top we found in the garbage...
Pictures from yesterday. Now we are getting ready for a new day :-)
half our new bed
Harald was very brave the whole day. Didn't hide down by his tree as the other day- but was exploring and making himself at home. At the end of the day he got chased by the other cats and was balancing on the balcony above the dog.
Hello, we are a Swedish couple -Kenneth and Lena. We been living in Greece for two years but are now back in Sweden why our blog is beeing less and less updated...
This is our bank if you would like to help us with our mission by giving a donation.
bank giro: 5680-9932
If you like to support us from another country than Sweden let us know and we'll give you our bankaccount number with BIC and IBAN number.
Facts on Thassos
Thassos is the most northen island in Greece, in the province of Macedonia. It is a very green island with high hills that makes a beautiful scenery, and there is also some really nice beaches. There is 16000 inhabitants on the island that count a circumference of 91km. Thassos town is Limenas but there is also several vilages on the island. To get to the island you need to take the boat from Kavala or Keramoti to either Limenas or Skala Prinou. The seagull will make you company all the way hoping to get something :-)
The vision (english)
1996 Kenneth got the calling through a dream to go to Macedonia. At that time he didn't know that such country existed , more than mentioned in the Bible. But the same morning a Christian magazine, “Light for the peoples”, came with the mail and landed on the floor with an article about a missionary family in Macedonia facing up. The first that caught Kenneth's attention was a quote of Paule “Come and help us” Acts 16:9. Kenneth then felt he would have to wait for at least 10 years before fully stepping into the vision.
During the years he has prepared himself with bible school and work in different congregations to get experience. There has also been lots of trips to the area, among other in 2001 when he was working as a guide on Thassos. Until then he had thought that Macedonia only is the small country in former Yugoslavia. Now he found out that the area in northern Greece also is Macedonia.
During the time in Thassos Kenneth got to know some Christians, Dimitri and Gordon. Together they started to have services for tourists in a pavilion by the sea. These became popular and now they have a small congregation on the island where Dimitri is the pastor. This fellowship is the base for our mission in Macedonia.
On February 7, 2009 Lena became part of the vision as we got married. Lena has been in mission for some years with YWAM, youth with a mission, and love to do more missionary work. After a few visits to Thassos she got a feel for the people in the area. Kenneth think she's an important part of the puzzle and to see the vision come true.
Kenneth is a pioneer with many visions while Lena is of more calm and stable character. We complete each other well.
After one year of marriage we decided to make our way south. For two years we were having the privilige of staying on an island with a small english/greek speeking fellowship as a base for our mission. Our mission was simply to preach the gospel in the area. Our main focus has been on the youth. Now we are back in Sweden but the church on Thassos is still serving the Lord on Thassos. And we hope that we continuously will be able to bring in teams and do other outreaches in the area. And maybe in the future come back on a more long term base.
Visionen (svenska)
1996 fick Kenneth i en dröm Makedonien som en missionskallelse. Han visste då inte att landet existerade, mer än som omtalad i Bibeln. Men den morgonen trillade ett Ljus i Öster-tidning in genom brevinkastet och landade med baksidan upp, där var en artikel om en missionärsfamilj i Makedonien. Det första Kenneths ögon fastnade på var ett citat från Paulus ”Kom över och hjälp oss” apg 16:9. Kenneth upplevde då att han skulle få vänta över 10 år innan han skulle få kliva in i kallelsen på allvar.
Under tiden har han förberett sig med bibelskola och arbete i lite olika församlingar för att få erfarenhet. Det har också blivit många resor dit, bla 2001 då han fick arbete som reseledare på ön Thassos i norra Grekland. Det var tydligt hur Gud hade sin hand med i det. Kenneth trodde innan dess att Makedonien endast var det lilla land som tidigare ingått i fd Jugoslavien. Han upptäckte nu att området i norra Grekland också heter Makedonien. Under tiden i Thassos lärde Kenneth känna några kristna på ön, Dimitri och Gordon. Tillsammans började de anordna gudstjänster för turister i en paviljong vid havet. Dessa blev populära och nu är där en liten församling där Dimitri är pastor. Den församlingen är vår bas i vår Makedoniska mission.
. Den 7 feb 2009 blev Lena del i kallelsen då vi gifte oss. Lena har flera års erfarenhet från mission genom UMU, ungdom med uppgift, och vill gärna fortsätta med mission. Efter att ha vart med på ett par resor ner till Makedonien var det lätt att känna för människorna i området. För Kenneths del är hon givetvis en oerhört viktig pusselbit som fallit på plats för att klara uppdraget. Kenneth är visionären och pionjären medan Lena är den trygga, stabila typen. Vi kompletterar varandra bra.
Efter ett års äktenskap besämde vi oss för att flytta söderut. Under två år har vi haft förmånen att få bo på en ö med en liten engelsk/grekisk gemenskap som bas för arbetet. Vår mission har helt enkelt vart att predika evangelium i området. I huvudsak har vi arbetat med ungdomsarbete. Nu är vi tillbaka i Sverige men församlingen tjänar fortfarande Herren på Thassos. Och vi hoppas att vi även fortsättningsvis ska kunna ta med team ner och ha andra missionssatsningar i området. Och kanske en dag att vi åker tillbaka mer långsiktigt.