Tuesday, August 16, 2011

day two

Harald on the beach. last summer
Day two in our project- making the caravan our home- didn't give much reward.
We're missing the material that we are used to from Sweden. They don't have the same stuff in the shops here!
So today we spent a lot of hours just trying to figure out how we can make it instead.
But we did buy some things, nothing that we could use though because we are still missing other things.
Then it was to hot to work in the day and to dark to work in the night (we tryed it both).

Anyway, putting a nice picture of our cat from last summer because even though we didn't get far with our projekt our cat is still our joy and actually we did got some other things done. Kenneth is working on a commercial for a camping on the island. Lena has been babysitting a 3 month old baby! super lovely!

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