Saturday, March 31, 2012

I'll miss you Thassos

Since this is my last weekend in Greece :-( , tomorrow I'm off for Sweden :-) we were having a small goodbye party Friday night. It was a bit sad but great to meet with everyone and have a time to say "I'll miss you". Kenneth and I been cooking and baking so that our tummies also would enjoy the evening. I made "Swedish cubes" as someone called them (filled with ham, youghurt, majonais and wasabi, they turned out well if I may say so) and then we had other bits and pieces. I really didn't expect to get anything but to just enjoy the evening together. But they were overwhelming me/us with gifts and sweet words. Thank you everyone! I'm happy we were able to have this time together!
And I'm very happy for my time in Greece. I've met lots of lovely people, learned to live in the moment, seen new thing of God, understand new sides of myself, been enjoying the beautiful landscape... I'll always carry a piece of Greece in my heart.


Laura said...

I am so glad you had this special time with your friends! I am also glad they recognize how great you are and showered you with gifts and love.

Unknown said...

It's been a pleasure knowing you, and i hope you don't forget us and visit back sometime ;)

-With love, Thomas

Özer Utku said...

Was a natural swimming pool on the island of Thassos fascinates me. I wrote on my blog now.