Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bits and peaces of our lives

Yesterday during our service the earth started to shake.
The sermon was very good and the preacher was anointed but still I'm sorry to say I don't think it was God who shook us in our seats but that it was a normal (not that it's normal to us though) earthquake (but then of course God is also Lord of all thounders and earthquakes).

And thounder we had a lot last night; mighty, strong thounder so our lights where flashing and we had to run and unplug all outlets :-) But no rain, we are hoping for rain to clear the air.

It's too damp here: our "knäckebröd" is getting soft!

Our cat likes icetea, as soon as I leave my cup ungarded he's there to take a zip.
Water as well, as long as it is in our cups and not his bowl on the floor...

We just had a friend from Athens visiting. He's working with a project called Streetlight and we are going on outreach with them in the end of the month. He's a cool guy, very talented with film and media. We're happy we got in touch with them. The main organisation they are working with are called Fusion.

Hope you all are having a good out there.

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